Wednesday, July 7, 2010

After the hottest day in 15 years (102 degree) yesterday, this morning dawned the warmest on record with a morning low of 83 degrees at Philadelphia

After the hottest day in 15 years (102 degree) yesterday, this morning dawned the warmest on record with a morning low of 83 degrees at Philadelphia

Philadelphia tops an even warmer 103 today!

It really has been quite the heatwave for the Eastern third with two-straight afternoons topping 100 degrees from DC to Central Park in New York City. Baltimore, MD saw 105-degrees yesterday with it's warmest day in 27 years whilst a stunning 106-degree high was recorded at Frederick, MD and Williamsburg, VA.

Philadelphia endured an even hotter afternoon today with a tie of 4th hottest ever reading in the city with a peak temperature of 103 degrees. This morning also appears to have surpassed the city's old "warmest low on record of 82" by only falling to 83 degrees this morning..

At roughly 1,200ft above sea level, Jesse Ferrell of reported a high of 97 degrees this afternoon and 98 degrees yesterday. These readings being among the warmest ever recorded at his home in State College, Center County, Pennsylvania since moving there in the late 90s..

Wilmington, Del marked a second day in which the high topped 103 degrees, yesterday's 103 along marked the hottest there since 1966.

Typically "cooler" Central Park in the heart of Manhattan, New York once again remarkably surpassed the century mark with a high believed to be around 101 degrees, matching normally warmer city sites of Newark, NJ and LaGuardia Apt to the NE in Queens.

A north wind between 10-20mph was whistling through scorching air today, making these numbers that bit more remarkable, afterall, most folks including folks within this region of the world would associate a north wind with cooling! Perhaps such a large and intensely hot air masses in domnant control, wind blowing in any direction over the scalding land felt no effect from wind, never mind a north wind... Indeed a westerly flow would typically mark a warmer, drier wind, but a north wind blowing and still a rise to over 100? That's gotta be a first?

Today did show slight cooling along the shores and indeed Boston appeared remain in the 80s after yesterday's high of 100 degrees. I've also noticed a sharp cooldown at Central Park as we enter the evening hours and it seems after topping 100, the temps are currently dropping through the 80s already and it's only early evening.

Amazingly, Newark, NJ was still at 94 degrees at 10.21pm last night and just as remarkable was the fact that it was already at 95 degrees as of 9AM yesterday morning!!
With the ever increasingly humidity within the Northeast, lets wait and see how warm some of the towns and cities remain tonight. Could places between Newark to Philly have lows in the mid-80s by tomorrow morning?

-By Mark Vogan

Posted Courtesy of Jesse Ferrell due to Technical issues.

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