Saturday, July 9, 2011

Severe Weather Risk Northern Plains to Midwest Next 3 Days...

Above is the latest severe weather outlook for this afternoon and evening from the SPC in Norman, OK. Severe thunderstorms are forecast within the yellow shaded areas on the image.  While large hail and damaging winds will be the primary threats, isolated tornadoes also cannot be ruled out.  The greatest chance of damaging winds, large hail and tornadoes lies within the red shaded area on the image below:

The threat of severe storms will cover much of the same region again on Sunday, as shown in the image below:

By Monday, the severe weather risk is forecast to extend a bit further Eastward, into portions of the Great Lakes and Ohio Valley:

Each day, severe thunderstorms are forecast to develop during the mid to late afternoon hours near the Western and Central portions of the risk areas.  This activity will then form into one or more clusters and/or small complexes of storms by nightfall, moving Eastward into adjacent areas during the overnight hours.

The highest threat of damaging winds, large hail & isolated tornadoes would take place before sunset each day, as storms remain more widely spaced in coverage.  Once the activity congeals into a cluster and/or complex toward or after sunset each day, the primary threat will shift to strong, gusty winds.

If you live in or near any of the above outlined areas, please stay alert and pay attention to the weather each afternoon & evening.  Review and/or organize your severe weather preparedness kit, have a plan in place and be prepared to seek shelter if threatening weather approaches your area.

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