Thursday, March 10, 2011

10 March, 2011

Hello from Asbury Park, New Jersey!

Arrived safely last night after a long day of travelling yesterday. Our flight was over 8 and a half hours from Amsterdam to Newark as we actually flew straight across the Atlantic and after crossing the far south of England we basically went due southwest and eventually reached land just north of Boston, This route was rather than using the classic 'great circle' route that usually takes you up over Scotland,  either just south of, or across extreme southern Greenland and down across Labrador, Quebec and over New England, ending up in the Greater NYC area.

Given the strong storm which brought the tremendous snows to Montreal, southeast Canada and New England and the fact it's crossed the North Atlantic, it's likely that a very stormy North Atlantic and powerful jet stream forced our route south as well as much of the rest of the tranAtlantic air traffic. This rerouting not only produced an added hour at least to our flight time but likely added an extra 500 miles or more onto the flight also.

Here in North Jersey today, it cool, cloudy and quite windy!

Hope you have a great day.


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