Friday, August 12, 2011

Severe Storm Complex Organizing, Setting Sights on OKC, Tulsa...

As expected earlier today, severe thunderstorms are congealing into a complex and beginning to accelerate toward the East/Southeast along the Kansas/Oklahoma border this hour.  The above image was just taken from the Tulsa radar site.  Widespread, damaging winds of 55-65 mph with some gusts to 75 mph have been reported in southern Kansas and extreme northcentral Oklahoma with this activity this evening.  A few isolated gusts of 80-90 mph took place in southwest Kansas during the initial phase of development a couple of hours ago.

The High Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR) computer model currently forecasts this complex to reach the Oklahoma City area around 10pm and the Tulsa area around 11pm this evening:

It is possible that the arrival times will be earlier if this system begins to produce widespread, very strong winds in earnest during the next hour or so.  If that happens, it will likely accelerate more to the Southeast over time.

If you live along or ahead of this complex of storms, make preparations for possible severe weather now.  Remove light weight, loose objects from outdoors and secure them.  Have extra batteries and flashlights on hand in case you lose power later this evening.  Listen to a NOAA Weather Radio with battery back-up for later statements and possible warnings.

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