Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Joplin Recovery Continues - In Pictures...

A very telling photo montage of the Joplin recovery is located on the Springfield News-Leader's website. The left half of each image shows the original "after" the tornado shot at a given location. The right half is a shot from the same spot (about 3 months later now), illustrating the progress that has since been made as a result of the massive clean-up and recovery effort in Joplin.

A few things that I took away from the photo essay:  (1).  Note how some of the trees and shrubs that did survive are lush green now.  (2).  In most of the residential pictures I see that the debris has been completely removed, however not much in the way of rebuilding is visible.  I have to wonder if that's because they just haven't begun that part of the process, or if folks in those particular areas have decided not to rebuild?  (3).  I was struck by how the commercial area off of Main Street in photo number 10 still looks like a war zone to this very day.  The white building in the foreground has been removed, but most of the other shells remain just as they were...

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